Run Global or Domestic Consolidation
Consolidation books contain entities with different operating currencies that must be converted into a single currency for reporting and budgeting.
You can run a global or domestic consolidation to accomplish this.
Usage information for running consolidations is available in the Sage Intacct product help.
Note: Most consolidation object names start with GC
and are called “Global Coonsolidation,” but you can use them for domestic or global consolidations.
Run Global Consolidation
Name | Required | Type | Description |
bookid | Required | string | Consolidation book ID |
offline | Optional | boolean | Run consolidation offline. Use F for No, T for Yes. (Default: F ) |
updatesucceedingperiods | Optional | boolean | Consolidate succeeding periods. Use false for No, true for Yes. (Default: false ) |
changesonly | Required | boolean | Only consolidate changes since last consolidation. Use T to consolidate changes only, F otherwise. |
Optional | string | Email consolidation results to this address | |
reportingperiodname | Required | string | Report period name to consolidate |
entities | Optional | csnentity[0...n] |
Entities to consolidate in addition to any entities already set up for the book |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
entityid | Required | string | Entity ID |
bsrate | Optional | currency | Balance sheet rate |
warate | Optional | currency | Weighted average rate |
Run Global Consolidation (Legacy)
Name | Required | Type | Description |
bookid | Required | string | Consolidation book ID |
offline | Optional | boolean | Run consolidation offline. Use false for No, true for Yes. (Default: false ) |
updatesucceedingperiods | Optional | boolean | Consolidate succeeding periods. Use false for No, true for Yes. (Default: false ) |
changesonly | Optional | boolean | Only consolidate changes since last consolidation. Use T to consolidate changes only, F otherwise. (Default: T ) |
Optional | string | Email consolidation results to this address | |
reportingperiodname | Required | string | Report period name to consolidate |
entities | Optional | csnentity[0...n] |
Entities to consolidate in addition to any entities already set up for the book |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
entityid | Required | string | Entity ID |
bsrate | Optional | currency | Balance sheet rate |
warate | Optional | currency | Weighted average rate |