Smart Events
Smart Events are events that get triggered when certain conditions are met.
An event could be something as simple as an email to the sales manager when a sales quote over $10,000 is created.
List Smart Event Log Records (Legacy)
List all Order Entry transaction event logs on April 3, 2013:
Name | Required | Type | Description |
object | Required | string attribute | Use smarteventlog |
maxitems | Optional | integer attribute | Maximum number of items to return. |
start | Optional | integer attribute | First item from total result set to include in response, zero-based integer. |
showprivate | Optional | boolean attribute | Show entity private records if running this at top level. Use either true or false . (Default: false ) |
fields | Optional | array of field |
List of fields to return in response. |
filter | Optional | object | Limits the objects to return based on their field values. |
sorts | Optional | array of sortfield |
Sets the order of results based on the values of specified fields. |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
expression | Optional | object | A single filter expression made up of a field name, an operator, and a value. Required if not using logical . |
logical | Optional | object | Multiple filter expressions that should be evaluated with and or or . Logical filters can be nested to create complex and/or logic. Required if not using expression . |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
logical_operator | Required | string attribute | Operator. Use either and or or . |
expression or logical | Required | logical or array of expression |
Expressions to be evaluated as filters, and optionally additional logical evaluations. |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
field | Required | string | Name of the field to be compared. |
operator | Required | string | Comparison operator. Valid operators are
value | Required | string | Comparison value. |
Name | Required | Type | Description |
order (attribute) | Required | string | Sort order for this named field. Use either asc or desc . |
The above function returns data structured like this: