An object is either a Sage Intacct standard object, such as AP Bill, or a custom object.

Query and List Objects

Lists all standard and custom objects in a company, regardless of your permissions or the company’s subscriptions.




Name Required Type Description
object Required string Use * to return all objects

Get Object Definition

The lookup function lists all fields and relationships for standard or custom objects. Information about owned objects is not provided.


List fields and relationships for a custom object:


List fields and relationships for a standard object:



Name Required Type Description
object Optional string Object integration name to get. Required if not using name
name Optional string Object name to get. Required if not using object.
docparid Optional string Used to indicate the document type (Ex: Sales Invoice).


For a field, the output provides the ID, label, description, and so forth. Valid values for enumerations are also provided.


For a relationship, the output provides the ID, label, description, and so forth:

    <LABEL>Primary Contact</LABEL>

Here are the relationships for a custom object:




Name Description
ID Field ID
LABEL Field label
DESCRIPTION Field description
REQUIRED true if the field is required, false othewise
READONLY true if the field is read only, false othewise
DATATYPE Data type such as integer, text, enum, and so forth
VALIDVALUE Allowed values for enum fields


Name Description
OBJECTPATH Nexus path to a related object. Can be used to query fields using dot operator, for example, PROJECT.CUSTOMER. (The dot operator lets you access the values of fields on a related object that has a many-to-one relationship to the object being queried.) Note that an object can have multiple references to the same object type. For example, CUSTOMER has four relationships to CONTACT objects identified by SHIPTOTCONTACT, BILLTOCONTACT, DISPLAYCONTACT, and PRIMARYCONTACT nexus paths.
OBJECTNAME Type of the related object
LABEL The Print As parameter for the relationship
RELATIONSHIPTYPE Type of relationship between two objects. Only one-to-one and one-to-many are returned.
RELATEDBY the field of the object mapped to the column in the database table specified as the foreign key to the related object.

Get Object Definition (Legacy)

Returns the object definition and all field details for a specific standard or custom object.


Get object definition by integration name:

<inspect detail="1">

Get object definition by printable name:

<inspect detail="1">
    <name>Sales Order</name>


Name Required Type Description
detail Optional integer Use 1 to return details otherwise use 0 to return summary info
object Optional string Object integration name to get. Required if not using name
name Optional string Object name to get. Required if not using object. If you need to get objects that utilize transaction definitions (docparid), you should use inspect with the name element instead of the object element.

Query and List Object Audit Trail Logs


List the record number, object ID, and the ‘created-by’ user for each object audit trail log:



Name Required Type Description
object Required string Use ACTIVITYLOG
filter Optional object Filter expression to limit the response to only objects that match the expression. Check the value of a single field using operators such as equalto/like, or multiple fields using and/or. Query fields on related objects using the dot operator (for example, VENDOR.CREDITLIMIT on APBILL).
select Required sequence The names of the fields that you want included in the response, and an optional aggregate function such as count or sum. Returning all fields is not supported.
orderby Optional object Provide an order element with a field name and choose an ascending or descending sort order, for example:
options Optional object Query options:
  • Set the caseinsensitive element to true for a case-insensitive query
  • In a multi-entity company, set the showprivate element to true to query data in private entities:
  • Specify the returnformat for the response: xml (default), json, or csv
pagesize Optional integer Maximum number of matching objects to return in the response, between 1 and 2000 items (Default: 100)
offset Optional integer Point at which to start indexing into records (Default: 0)

Query and List Object Audit Trail Logs (Legacy)


List changes made to all objects on April 19, 2012:

    <query>OBJ_ID &lt; 0 AND CREATED_AT &gt;= '04/19/2012 12:00:00' AND CREATED_AT &lt; '04/20/2012 12:00:00'</query>

List changes made to custom object ID 10006:

    <query>OBJ_ID = -10006</query>


Name Required Type Description
object Required string Use ACTIVITYLOG
fields Optional string Comma-separated list of fields on the object to list. For best performance and predictability, limit the number of fields. To return all fields, omit the element or provide * for the value.
query Required string SQL-like query based on fields on the object. The following operators are supported: <, >, >=, <=, =, like, not like, in, not in, IS NOT NULL, IS NULL, AND, OR. Illegal XML characters must be properly encoded, and single quotes must be escaped with backslashes ('Jane\'s Deli'). Joins are not supported.
pagesize Optional integer Custom page size between 1 and 1000 items (Default: 100)

query Fields

Name Required Type Description
OBJ_ID Required integer Object system ID. Must be prefixed with a dash -. Look up this value in the object definition.


The above function returns data structured like this:

    <TRAIL_TEXT>Validation script for field &quot;Estimated Fees&quot; has been updated.</TRAIL_TEXT>
    <CREATED_AT>04/19/2012 19:38:32</CREATED_AT>

Get Object Audit Trail Log




Name Required Type Description
object Required string Use ACTIVITYLOG
keys Required string Comma-separated list of log RECORDNO to get
fields Optional string Comma-separated list of fields on the object to get. To return all fields, omit the element or provide * for the value.
For best performance and predictability, limit the number of fields.
returnFormat Optional string Data format for the response body:
  • xml (default)
  • json
  • csv

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